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Home: Welcome

Policy makers, ask a research question and hear from people who have been medically and socially abandoned, pushed to the edge of work, health and society…

We are running a small number of pilots with the community first. Email us at if you would like an early-bird pass or request access below.

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Co-EQ is a safer, fairer way to include hard to reach lived experience + expertise in your work

Anonymous /
psychologically safe

Minimise  energy and advocacy burnout

Recognise and
reward insights

Home: List

How does Co-EQ work?

Home: Projects

1 - Design a chatbot survey

2 - View Community analysis

3 - Launch an online policy design lab


AI transforms a question into tasks designed to draw out lived experience and systems thinking

AI synthesises community responses, their unmet needs, ideas and solutions

*AI facilitated, feature coming soon*

Co-EQ Partners and Supporters

Home: Clients

Greens Against COVID/ COVID Isn’t Over, (UK Green Party Members campaign)



(UK Patient and Carers campaign)

Community-led organisations/ campaigns

Home: Clients

Thank you to all the members of the Long COVID & ME community who have co-created early ideas on the project and helped identify the need for AI-Assisted Advocacy.

Home: Feature

Co-EQ will be launching our angel investor crowdfunding campaign soon, to power community-led pandemic decision-making, for healthcare.

Enquiries: or sign up below to get an early bird invite.

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Investors sign up below for an early invite

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Thanks for submitting!

Home: Subscribe
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