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Map and measure ongoing social, health and financial current and future pandemic impacts to under/ unserved communities
For Healthcare: Text
Our data and insights can help reduce pandemic-accelerated costs for the systems change-makers transforming the NHS
Hospital-acquired infections
Untreated (not captured by Waiting lists)
Infection-related deaths
Infection Associated Chronic Conditions (IACC)
For Healthcare: List
The knock-on effect: growing short-long-term community and work impacts and costs…
Rising Waiting lists
Increased time beds occupied (beyond what the patient originally came in for)
Workforce sickness & absence
Cancelled surgeries
Removal from clinical trials
Reduced pool of people able to donate blood or organs
Staff leaving the workforce
Legal costs related to poor patient safety
For Healthcare: List
What can people who are still sick and disabled, barely living. Just existing…teach us?
Social :
Women, children, BPOC, poor and frontline workers the most at risk
Employees with Long COVID 3X as likely not to return to work
The need for the indoor clean air revolution and operation wharpspeed on biomedicine.
For Healthcare: List
For Healthcare: Text
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